Publications for 2007
- Zhu Han and H. Vincent Poor, "Lifetime Improvement in Wireless Sensor Networks via Collaborative Beamforming and Cooperative Transmission", IEE Proceedings of Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Special Issue on Antenna Systems and Propagation for Future Wireless Communications, vol.1, no.6, p.p. 1103-1110, December, 2007, pdf.
- Guan-Ming Su, Zhu Han, Min Wu, and K. J. Ray Liu, "Joint Uplink and Downlink Optimization for Real-Time Multiuser Video Streaming Over WLANs", IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol.1. no.2, p.p.280-294, August 2007, pdf.
- Zhu Han, Zhu Ji, and K. J. Ray Liu, "Non-Cooperative Resource Competition Game by Virtual Refereee in Multi-Cell OFDMA Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Non-cooperative Behavior in Networking, vol.53, no.10, p.p.1079-1090, August 2007, pdf.
- Thanongsak Himsoon, W. Pam Siriwongpairat, Zhu Han, and K. J. Ray Liu, "Lifetime Maximization Framework by Cooperative Nodes and Relay Deployment in Wireless Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, special issue on Cooperative Communications and Networking, vol. 25, no. 2, p.p.306-317, February, 2007, pdf.
- W. Pam Siriwongpairat, Zhu Han, and K. J. Ray Liu, "Power Controlled Channel Allocation for Multiuser Multiband UWB", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.6, no.2, p.p.583-592, February 2007, pdf.
Zhu Han, Xin Liu, Z.Jane Wang, and K. J.
Ray Liu, "Delay Sensitive Scheduling Schemes with Short-Term Fairness for
Heterogeneous QoS over Wireless
Network", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, vol.6, no.2,
p.p. 423-428 February, 2007, pdf.