Research On Going Research Slides Game Theory in Wireless and Communication Networks: Theory, Models, and ApplicationsPart 1 (Noncooperative Game)Part 2 (Bayesian Game)Part 3 (Differential Game)Part 4 (Evolutional Game)Part 5 (Cooperative Game)Part 6 (Auction Theory)Part 7 (Matching Theory)Part 8 (Contract Theory) BigDataBig Data In Smart GridBig Data Optimization for Modern Communication Networks Multi-Block ADMM for Big Data Optimization in Smart GridCompressive Sensing For Lidar and Cognitive Radio ApplicationsBig Data Signal Processing for Communication NetworksBig Data Analysis and Cross-Layer Optimization for Communication, Caching and Computing Networks, (Video)AI Transforming the Past and Future of Oil & Gas: Enhanced Sub-surface Imaging and Carbon Monitoring, with Data-Driven Optimization and Machine Learning Generative AIGenerative AI enabled Semantic Communication (ppt, demo)AIGC Tutorial, (Video) The Role of ChatGPT in Advancing Academic Research, (Video)Bayesian Nonparametric Classification and ApplicationsDeep Learning Federated Learning and AnalysisFederated Learning in Mobile Edge Computing Federated Learning and Analysis in Mobile Edge Computing, (Video) Mean Field GameMean Field Game Tutorial, VideoMean Field Games Guided Machine Learning in Distributed Systems, Video Aerial Access NetworksAerial Access Networks for 6G: From UAV, HAP, to Satellite Communication Networks (3 Hours Tutorial), (Video)Aerial Access Networks for 6G: From UAV, HAP, to Satellite Communication Networks (1 Hour Talk)A Brief Introduction to the LEO Satellite Constellations, (Video) Reconfigurable Intelligent SurfaceReconfigurable Holographic/Intelligent Surface (3 hour, 1 hour, Video, DEMO)MetaEverything: Intelligent MetaMaterial Aided Sensing and CommunicationsMetaSensing: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted RF Sensing and Localization, (Video)Holographic Radio: A New Paradigm for Ultra-Massive MIMO Delay AnalysisModern Delay Analysis for Networking: From MCMC, Martingale, Stochastic Network Calculus, Lyapunov to Age of Information, (Video) Security and PrivacySecure Computing with Privacy Preservation for Cyber-Physical Systems, (Video (Password: ComSoc#TCCN20))Cryptoeconomics: Economic Mechanisms Behind Blockchains, (Video)Cryptoeconomics: Economic Mechanisms Behind Blockchains (Updated) Distributionally Robust OptimizationOne-hour version, (Video)Three-hour version Quantum ComputingHybrid Quantum and Classic Computing to Solve Optimization and Machine Learning Problems for Future Networking (One-hour Version)Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing for Future Network Optimization (Two-hour Version), (Video)Hybrid Quantum-Classical Multi-cuts Benders’ Decomposition (HQCMCBD) Algorithm (Software Package) Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC)Demo (ppt, video)ISAC for 6G: Waveform Design, Resource Allocation, Application and Prototype Demo (Video) Smart Grid TutorialShortLongBad Data Injection in Smart Grid: Attack and Defense MechanismsDistributed Deep Reinforcement Learning for Renewable EnergyAI-Driven Decarbonization for Energy Systems, (Video) Wireless Physical Layer SecurityShortLong OptimizationOptimization TutorialAn Overview of Dynamic Programming RF Energy HarvestingA survey of wireless charging technologiesUnmanned Wireless Charging Vehicle – VideoWireless RF charging Vehicle for Sensor Networks – VideoRF Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio – Video 1RF Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio – Video 2 5G communications and systemsDistributed Resource Allocation for 5G Communication SystemsFemtocells: From the Perspective of DevelopmentFull-duplex Communication and NetworksNon-Orthogonal Multiple Access Device-to-Device (D2D) CommunicationD2D websiteD2D Communication Tutorial Unmanned Air VehicleUAV Communications in 5G and Beyond: Integration of Sensing, Communication, and LearningUAV Applications over Cellular Networks: Sensing, Communication, and LearningShort tutorial Hypergraph TheoryHypergraph Theory for Wireless Networking OthersCooperative Game Theory for Cognitive RadioQuickest Detection and Its ApplicationsLocation, Localization, and LocalizabilityBelief Propagation for Cognitive Radio SecurityMulti-armed Bandit and Its Application in Wireless Applications, (Video)Stochastic Network CalculusBasics of Martingale Theory REU Video Presentation Physical Layer SecurityCar TorrentCognitive RadioCoalition GameCooperative TransmissionCompressive Sencing USRP2 Tutorial SlidesUSRP2 PresentationVideosPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7